Logo Design

Cal Poly Pomona Enrollment Management & Services

Project Type: Logo Design

Tools: Adobe Illustrator

Task: Create department logos that correspond to the different department roles and services at Cal Poly Pomona.

Outcome: 6 logos were created for the different Enrollment Management & Services departments at Cal Poly Pomona and were used in production immediately.


When this project began, it began with creating a logo for only the Office of Admissions. So I sat down and sketched the many possible logos that the office could utilize, with the motif of an envelope. With the logo having a motif utilized, students would be able to faster identify whom they are receiving emails from before reading the entire logo.

Office of Admissions

Many different revisions and option sheets were drafted in order to give my client the opportunity to be a part of the creative journey in creating their department logo.

A foundation

Once a logo was officially chosen by the office, other departments were influenced by this and wanted their own logos too. This began the process of creating 5 other logos for the rest of the department. Moving forward with the approved logo, I had created a template for myself to follow so all logos would be cohesive with one another.

Final Logo Approved

Logo Chosen

Final Logos

pictured to the right are the remaining 5 department logos that were created using the Office of Admissions logo as a template.


The Flower Stand Co.


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